Jewel Pet Wiki

The Chairman (座長 Zachō?) is a one-shot character from Jewelpet Magical Change.


The Chairman is a beautiful man, presumably a young adult, with a slender build. His effeminate good looks allow him to easily pass for a woman. He has wispy, short blue hair and purple eyes. While dressed as a woman, he puts on a wig of long, straight, blue hair.


The Chairman is seen as kind, polite and soft-spoken, though he also has a playful and seductive streak as he teases Airi and Sakutarō about his double identity.


This nameless character is the chairman and star of the theater troupe that performs during the Summer festival in episode 22b.

He dresses up as a woman for his performances. A young Sakutarō met him when he got lost at the festival many years ago, and was helped by him. But since he was dressed up, Sakutarō thought he was a woman and has had a crush on him since. Because of this, Sakutarō attended every festival in hopes of seeing him again.

Sakutarō soon discovers his true identity at the end of the episode. Even though he is initially shocked, he expresses his wish to see him perform again.

