Jewel Pet Wiki

Many different Magic Gems inside the Jewel Box.

A Magic Gem (魔法の宝石 Mahō no Hōseki?) is a magical item from Jewelpet Happiness. It is created when a Jewelpet joins hearts with a human or another. When formed, it will be placed into the Jewel Box and sometimes cast additional magic that will give a gift to the owners.


Magic Gems are quite small and come in a variety of colors and shapes depending on which Jewelpet it was formed with. For example, Ruby's Magic Gems are always red and shaped like hearts, and Sapphie's are always blue and shaped like stars.


Magic Gems were items Jewelina announced to the Jewelpets in episode 1 for them to collect for the Jewel Box. She said that if all Magic Gems are collected, something very nice would happen. Ruby was the first one to form a Magic Gem, forming it with Chiari Tsukikage. When the Jewel Box expanded, it gave room for more Magic Gems.

In episode 10, If a Jewelpet and its human fight or do not get along with each other, then the gems will turn black and lose their shine, rendering them as ordinary stones (with Charotte’s remarking that they will give off an awful odor.)

It was revealed in the last episode that the Jewel Box did not necessarily have to be filled, and Magic Gems were created with the magic of Jewelina to materialize the feeling of happiness when humans and Jewelpets bond, symbolizing their memories.

Whenever a Magic Gem is placed in the box, extra magic happens, for example in episode 10, a giant box of honey caramel toffee sweet popped up.

In JH36, the Magic Gems disappeared after a spell that requires them was cast, but after putting in the new Magic Gems, the original ones came back.

In JH50, the Magic Gems were shattered due to the Red Moon's rising dark powers, but fortunately in the last episode they were restored.

List of Magic Gems[]

Episode Image Joined Hearts Extra Magic
episode 1 JPH01 5 Ruby and Chiari Tsukikage
Chiari's transformation cloth

The extra magic made Chiari outfit into a new maid outfit

episode 3 JPH03 1 Sapphie and Nene Konoe
episode 4 JPH04 1 Labra and Ruruka Hanayama Unknown
episode 5 JPH05 1 Garnet and Chiari Tsukikage
episode 6 JPH06 1 Sapphie and Azusa-sensei The extra magic retored the broken blue rose.
episode 7 JPH07 1 Angela and Takumi Asano Asano petting the game Angela feels like the real thing.
episode 8 JPH08 1 Rosa and Ryouko Izumikawa

Ryouko glasses got flashier

episode 9 JPH09 1 Peridot and Ayame
JPH09 9

Ayame gets a doll of Peridot.

episode 10 JPH10 1 Charotte and Mutsumi Mochida

A huge box of honey caramel toffees appeared.

episode 11
20220902 151450
Diana and Sachi Hakamada
episode 12
20220902 123539
Sango and Nene Konoe
episode 13
JPH13 1
Milky and Draggy
JPH13 2

A rainbow appeared.

episode 14
JPH14 2
Flora and Izumi Taira
20220827 150635

Flora got a wristband like Izumi while he got a wig like Flora hair

episode 15
JPH15 1
Luna and Nobara Kitajima A super high quality tropical juice for the 2.
episode 16
JPH16 1
Ruby, Chiari Tsukikage and Sanada-senpai's Grandpa
JPH16 2

Chiari gets 2 seashells.

episode 17
JPH17 1
Titana and Azusa-sensei Chiari, Nene, Sanada and Ruruka got new upgraded Jewel Pod.
episode 18
Tour and Juushirou Mouri

Strained bean paste dango and green tea.

episode 19
JPH19 1
Jasper, Labra and Ruruka Hanayama
JPH19 3

Labra changed into her summer fur.

episode 20
JPH07 1
Opal, Izumi Taira and Master of the Rock Café

Opal and Izumi got sunglasses while the Master gotten a new hat

episode 21
JPH21 1
Labra and Machiko The cafe and cafeteria fused.
episode 22
JPH22 2
Dian and everyone joins hearts The Jewelpets can now got to school with the humans.
episode 23
20220902 123933
Kohaku and Kousuke Sanada Kohaku find out the girl who helped him was Apel Yamada.
episode 24
JPH24 1
Rosa, Alisa-sensei and Yanma
JPH24 11

Yanma got 2nd Rosa doll

episode 25
20220902 124002
Prase and Azusa-sensei

Both received flowers crowns.

episode 26
JPH26 1
Kaiya and Nene Konoe Unknown
episode 27
JPH27 1
Angela and Takumi Asano Asano, Angela and Sanada received miso soup with tofu and fried beans.
episode 28
JPH28 1
Rin and Ruruka Hanayama

Rin has seaweed wrapped around her to keep her warm.

episode 29
JPH29 1
Aqua and Mutsumi Mochida Ruby youth was restored.
episode 30
JPH30 1
Charotte and everyone joins hearts It rain candy.
episode 31
20220902 124233
Io and Nobara Kitajima

Io has his own little bunny room in Marie and Nobara dorm room.

episode 32
JPH32 1
Rald and Apel Yamada Apel swan boat also became a plane.
episode 33
JPH33 1
Garnet and everyone They gain new maid outfits.
episode 34
20220902 124340
Lapis, Ruruka Hanayama and the old seaman (the campus nurse/doctor) The clouds cover the Red Moon.
episode 35
20220902 124402
Nephrite and Sapphie Both are restored to normal.
episode 36
20220902 124451
Peridot and everyone The Magic Gems returned after the have been used to save Jewelina.
episode 37
20220902 124513
Coal, Angel-chan (Dorothy) and Yumika
JPH37 4

Yumika letter was given to Chiari and Ruby

episode 38
JPH38 1
Amelie, Nene Konoe and Juushirou Mouri They along with everyone in the cafe have angel wings.
episode 39
20220902 124541
Sango and Sakuran A newer karaoke machine was given.
episode 40
JPH40 1
Tata, Chiari Tsukikage and Kousuke Sanada It made the sky pretty with sparkles.
episode 41
20220902 124614
Yuku and Izumi Taira

Both receive fingerless and wool gloves that match.

episode 42
20220902 124630
Diana and everyone
episode 43
LPH43 1
King and Machiko Machiko received the last scene of her manga.
episode 44
LPH44 1
Alex and Nobara Kitajima
episode 45
JPH45 1
Angela, Ruruka Hanayama and Takumi Asano They returned to normal.
Episode 49
Sapphie temporarily turned back to normal due to the Red Moon magic.
Episode 51
Ruby and Chiari used it along with Jewel Flash to save their friends as well as restore the school and cafe.


