Nene (ねね Nene?) is a one-shot character from Jewelpet Magical Change.
Nene has black hair in two pigtails; the hair on her left temple is in a bobcut, while that of her right temple is wild and pinned by a green flower hairclip. She wears a pair of glasses.
Nene is shy, to the point of being too afraid to talk to Airi face-to-face until she's persuaded. She is lacking in self-confidence, believing herself unstylish and thinking that no one would want to associate with her because of it.
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- The name Nene (2) is written in hiragana (ねね), which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji (禰々), it could possibly mean "tranquil, ancestral shrine".
- She shares her first name with Nene Konoe from Jewelpet Happiness.