Jewel Pet Wiki

Raku Majo (ラクマージョ Raku Mājo?), translated to "The Easy Witch", is a major character from Jewelpet. She is the ruler of Jewel Land and the leader of the Four Great Magicians.


Her symbolic item is a redish pink heart-shaped jewel.

She wears dark pink, pink, pale pink, light green and dark green colors. Though, her main symbolic color is pink.


Raku Majo is unexpectedly relaxed and even irresponsible for someone with such a high position in the hierarchy of Jewel Land. She is rather lazy and tries to deposit all the responsibility of retrieving the Jewelpets on the humans' shoulders. Though this could also hint at her trust in humanity.

Despite her lackadaisical attitude, Raku Majo is very intelligent and does not have an extreme personality, like her fellow colleagues that could cloud her judgement.

She represents easygoing and laid back.


As she is the leader of the Four Great Magicians, Raku Majo has immense magical power and skills.

She also has the ability to create Jewelpets through an altar using her magic. This is how Labra was born.


She is the leader of the Four Great Magicians and the ruler of Jewel Land.

She is in direct contact with the Prime Minister of Japan in their mission to bring the Jewelpets back to Jewel Land. She also keeps in contact with the owner of the Jewel Pocketbook, who turns out to be Rinko. She gives advice and expounds on the history of Jewel Land when needed.

Raku Majo, with her colleagues, defeated Dian and Diana when the former attempted to start a revolution against humans.


  • In Kanji, her name is written as 楽魔女[1].
  • (raku) means "comfort, ease or relief".
  • 魔女 (majyo) means "witch".



  • It is subtle, but each Mages could be associated with the one of the 4 aces of a card game :
    • Raku Majo could be associated the ace of hearts.
      • This is deduced from her earings and the jewel holding her hair wich are heart-shaped.
  • In the French dub, each Mages name was adapted to reprent the emotion they embodies :
    • Raku Majo is named "Mage Sans-soucis" wich can be literally translated to "No-worries Mage".
  • An actual good adaptation of her name would be "The Easy Witch"

