Jewel Pet Wiki

Sakutarō Kirara (雲母 朔太郎 Kirara Sakutarō?) is a supporting character in Jewelpet Magical Change. He is a geeky inventor and the older brother of Airi Kirara.


Sakutarō has light skin and wears big round glasses. Underneath his glasses are green eyes, which are rarely shown. He has medium green shaggy hair. For apparel, he wears a tan long shirt with his right sleeve cuffed up and wears a finger-less cloth glove on his right hand. He wears black baggy track pants and sandals.


Sakutarō is a smart and geeky boy who loves science and robotics. He can somewhat be snide and witty. He is a non-believer in magic because he insists that science is better than magic.

It is believed that Luna likes him for his personality.


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  • The name Sakutarō means "conjunction" (朔) (saku), "thick, big, great" (太) (ta) and "son" (郎) ().
  • Sakutarō's surname Kirara means "mica, isinglass, muscovite" (雲母).

