Jewel Pet Wiki

Sango (サンゴ Sango?) is a female tabby cat Jewelpet who represents Protection or Luck.


Sango is a tabby cat with a yellow body and brown inner ears and stripes around her head, back, arms, legs and tail. Her Jewel Eyes are made out of scarlet corals. For her attire, she wears a red ribbon with a white flower in the middle around her left ear and a grey pearl necklace with a strawberry coral jewel attached around her neck.

She also carries a pink twirling ribbon in the first series.

Charm Form[]

Sango JewelCharm JPTwinkle

Sango's Jewel Charm is pink and egg-shaped. It is decorated with a large pink strawberry-shaped coral in the center and two small ones on the sides. It also has white gold embroidered on it.

Human Form (Magical Change)[]

In her human form, she is a little girl with short brownish hair and a yellow summer hat (with a red flower ribbon) on her head and wears a red-sleeved lemon yellow dress which has a bow at the back.


According to the official website, Sango is depicted as bright and full of energy with a passion for sweets and desserts.

In the anime series, Sango tends to be rather dimwitted and easygoing. Her love of sweets and desserts is one of her trademarks, but it wasn't present in the first series. In Jewelpet Magical Change, she acts a bit selfish at her cafe by not sharing her food and eating it all herself, but later she makes soup for customers and is pleased to see them enjoy it. Sango often ends her phrases with "nyan" (except for the first series).


In Sango's official setting in the franchise, she represents Protection. As the Jewelpet of Protection, Sango's magic can protect the safety of humans and their families. In Jewelpet, she has the power of Luck, which can convert bad luck into good luck.


In Jewelpet[]

Sango made her first debut on episode 31 during the culture festival. When Lyrica Himeno admitted she can't be too high for herself, her Jewel Charm appeared in front of her and Rinko and Ruby awaken her for the first time. Sango used her magic and made Lyrica into a Matadora. But that didn't work out well. After that, Sango finds her magic expired because she can't reach Lyrica's footprint mark made by Diana's dark magic. They eventually find out the footprint was actually on her foot. Sango uses her magic again to purify her and everything was back on track at the same time when Lyrica was admitting her mistakes.

In Jewelpet Twinkle☆[]

Sango is one of Miria Marigold Mackenzie's two Jewelpet partners, alongside Garnet. Before the events of the series, she met the two of them while being home alone which made Miria into a magician.

In Jewelpet Sunshine[]

Sango is a member of the Rose class. She is frequently seen dangling from the shoulder of Jill Konia, her teacher. She is Komachi's roommate, with whom she shares her love of sweets. She also has a brief crush on Jasper or Mikage.

She briefly transferred to Plum class due to Sapphie being transferred to Rose class in episode 5b, but got taken back by Jill after Sapphie returned to Plum class.

She gets a robot version of herself like Garnet, which was revealed in episode 49 when she was brainwashed by the Dark Queen.

In the epilogue of the season, she and Komachi have opened their sweet shop Raspberry Caffe in Paris, France together.

In Jewelpet Kira☆Deco![]

Sango has no role in this series, except in episode 39, where she serves as a judge along with Rald. In episode 1, She was seen walking with Nephrite at the side of the Kira-Kira Shop. That happened while Garnet was talking to Ruby. She also speaks as a narrator for certain episodes of the series.

In Jewelpet Happiness[]

Sango is a school nurse who is seen curing Marie Hanazono and Garnet. In episode 12, she makes a Magic Gem with Sakuran and Rosa as the "Sweets Angel" in the "GoKuRo-san trio".

In Lady Jewelpet[]

She makes a few cameos in certain episodes.

In Jewelpet Magical Change[]

Here, Sango still maintains her love of sweets and has a major role in episodes 8a and 8b. She is also one of the few Jewelpets to achieve their human form.

In Jewelpet the Movie: Sweets Dance Princess[]

Sango is one of the Jewelpets that are the first to visit Sweetsland for Princess Mana's birthday, along with Ruby, Labra, Angela, Sapphie, Garnet, Charotte and Jasper. Gumimin happens to like sweets more than Sango does, however, making her a lesser sweets lover than him. In the movie, Sango claims "Sweets Lover Sango, nyan!" to be her catchphrase. She even gets mad at Labra and Angela for mocking it in order for them to catch a ride with her.


Main article: Sango/Image Gallery
Main article: Sango/Image Gallery/Anime



  • Sango's jewel motif is the coral, a common name given to Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral used as jewelry.
    • Her secondary motif is a strawberry.
  • Depending on the seasons we can get different descriptions of Sango power : protection, optimism and luck (Jewelpet season 1), sweets (Jewelpet Twinkle)
  • On the official Jewelpet Sega Toys website her gem power is describe as "Protection : will protect yourself and your family".


Magical Red RubyGarnetRinRylKohakuTitanaSangoNixAlexBrownieJasperRosa
Magical Blue SapphieLunaYukuAquaKaiyaOpalAmelieLapisIoTopazCharotteLarimar
Magical Green PeridotChitePraseRaldFloraTourMilkyNephriteTataKrisAngela
Magical Black DianaKingDianLabraGraniteCoalLuea
Unknown Class Nachi (non-canon)Unnamed Sunshine Jewelpets (non-canon)