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Sparkle Sparkle ☆ Here Comes the Jewel
Season 1, Episode 1
Air date April 5, 2009
Directed by Nanako Sasaki
Episode guide
Throb Throb ♡ - I Want to Confess

Sparkle Sparkle ☆ - Here Comes the Jewel (キラキラ☆宝石が降ってきた Kirakira ☆ houseki ga futte kita?) is the first episode of Jewelpet. It first aired on April 5, 2009.


When all of the Jewelpets get lost in the human world by a strong gust of wind during Cleaning Day, Ruby is tasked to find them with help from a red-haired girl.


It is "Cleaning Day" in Jewel Land and the Jewelpets have to be turned into Jewel Charms for them to rest in the Sleeping Forest while the town is being cleaned. A Japanese hare named Ruby wanders off while the pets are turned into jewels. However, during the pelican's delivery, a strange gust of wind blew him away, causing the Jewel Charms scattered into the human world. For Ruby's punishment, she must get all the lost Jewel Charms back or she can't return to Jewel Land. Meanwhile, a girl named Rinko Kougyoku finds Ruby's Charm and informed her friend Minami Asaoka. The next day, she and her friend go to the jewelry store to examine the jewel, but then got into a jewelry store robbery. They were saved by a guy named Keigo Tatewaki and saw the red jewel Rinko has. He then explained to them that he was working for a special organization which is linked to the great magicians of Jewel Land and told them about the Jewelpets and also told them that all of them were scattered all over town. Rinko accepted the offer on gather all the Jewelpets back to Jewel Land and awakened Ruby using the Jewel Pocketbook. Rinko tries to use Ruby's courage magic which doesn't work well and causes an explosion. Then Rinko faces her fear of talking to a big crowd without the need of Ruby's magic.





VTEJewelpet Episodes
1-10 01: Sparkle Sparkle ☆ - Here Comes the Jewel • 02: Throb Throb ♡ - I Want to Confess • 03: Bye Bye ( >_< ) - Arisugawa-san • 04: Sip Sip ♡ - Full of Love • 05: Burn Burn! Refreshing Swordsmanship • 06: Chitty Chitty! Duel at the Pier • 07: Muki Muki! Servant of Seven Wounds • 08: Atsu Atsu ♡ - Rinko's Emerald Tears • 09: Puri Puri ♡ - I Want to be Pigutiful • 10: Pao Pao! Twins Adventure
11-20 11: Go Go! Prime Minister Secretary Keigo Tatewaki • 12: No No ( T_T ) - The Prince Who Lost His Dream • 13: Really Really!? Rinko is Tatewaki's Girl? • 14: Hello Hello? Who is Diana!? • 15: Dana Dana! Can You Meet Him Who's a Model!? • 16: Kari Kari! Don't Like the Transfer Student • 17: Where Where? Discover Diana • 18: Waku Waku! Jewel Land Summer Vacation • 19: Mini Mini! Diana and the Herb Thieves • 20: Pichi Pichi ♡ - Operation Love Beach
21-30 21: Ora Ora! Tearaway Past • 22: Bachi Bachi ☆ - Rinko VS Akira • 23: Eh Eh? Where Did You Go Ruby!? • 24: What What? Jewel Stick!? • 25: No No! The Aimed Jewel Pocketbook • 26: Puru Puru! Rinko's Miracle Power • 27: Nori Nori! Studying in Jewel Land • 28: Love Love ♡ - Rinko's Prince • 29: Chancy Chancy!? Diana's Revival • 30: Kuru Kuru ( @_@ ) - The Day the Sushi Belt Stood Still
31-40 31: Sob Sob ( ;_; ) - Our Lady is a God of Misfortune • 32: Burn Burn! Diana's Final Battle • 33: Deta Deta! New Enemy, Dian • 34: Hai Hai! The Big Baby Runaway • 35: Dasu Dasu! King's Traveling Heart • 36: Kita Kita ( °∀° ) - Rinko's Prince!? • 37: Ufu Ufu ♡ - Three New Girls' Popularity Spikes • 38: Merry Merry ☆ - Santa Comes to Town • 39: Babu Babu! A Jewelpet is Born • 40: Uki Uki!? Happy New Year's Dream Mayhem
41-52 41: Mero Mero ♡ - The Prince Who Ride on the White Horse • 42: Buru Buru! School's Ghost Stories • 43: Oro Oro! Witches' Trials • 44: Hara Hara! Today is the Last Day of Humanity? • 45: No No! Everyone Has Become Kings • 46: Love Love!? Valentine Magic • 47: Go Go! Operation Proposal • 48: Uru Uru ( ;Д; ) - Wedding of Sorrow • 49: Biri Biri! Dian VS The Four Witches • 50: Hurray Hurray! Our Hearts are Together Even If We're Away • 51: Bui Bui V( ^▽^ )V - They Came Back • 52: Kiss Kiss ♡ - Jewelpets are Friends